Research Interests
- Credit & Debt Markets with focus on Asia; ESG, CSR & SRI, sustainability issues, FinTech.
Academic qualifications
- MSc Business management (HEC)
- Masters in International Law (La Sorbonne)
Teaching Interests
- Debt Markets, Capital Markets, and Treasury Management; ESG, CSR and SRI; FinTech.
Relevant Teaching Experience
MBA programs:
- HKUST:"Raising Debt in Financial Markets": full and part-time MBA programs 2005 – ongoing; “Social Responsibility and the Bottom Line: a financial approach to CSR”: spring 2008; “Financial Institutions in Practice”: fall 2009 – 2015, “Treasury and Cash Management” spring 2010; "Overview of Financial Institutions" 2015-2016; "Financial Market & Institutions & Banking Intermediation" fall 2017
- CUHK: "Money and Capital Markets"; MBA program fall 2008, 2007 and summer 2002; “Financial Markets and Instruments”: week-end mode and full-time MBA program spring 2008
MSc Finance programs:
- HKUST: "Raising Debt in Financial Markets"; full and part-time MSc IM 2005 (on-going)
- CUHK: "Money and Treasury Management"; part-time MSc Finance program spring 2004
Undergraduate programs:
- HKUST: "Introduction to Finance"; BSc Quantitative Finance: 2005 – 2016; "Introduction to Financial Markets", BBA and BSc, 2016 – ongoing; "Financial Management", BBA and BSc, 2016 – ongoing; “Financial Markets & Institutions”, BBA and BSc programs: 2007 – 2016; “Business Case Studies – CSR” fall 2009 – 2014; “Business Ethics – 2013 – 2015; "Doing Business in Asia", WBB and GBUS program, 2014 – ongoing
Career Workshops & Executive Education programs: (UST)
- "So you want to be an investment banker"; MBA career workshop (2005/2010), UG career workshop (2006)
- Executive education seminars for FORTIS (2007), UBS (2007), Seoul National University (2007 and 2008) and Korea Securities Dealers Association (2008)
Consulting, Publication And Lecturing
- Sustainability issues in the financial sector in Asia, research project for ASRiA and IFC
- Panel Presenter, “Sustainability Issues in Finance”, TBLI Conference, Bangkok, May 2006
- Microfinance in Asia, research project for ASRiA
- Various cross-cultural training seminars for Cartus
Professional Training Seminars & Lectures:
HKSI:“Raising Debt in Asia’s Financial Markets”: 2006 – 2014; “Loan Syndications”: 2006 – 2014; Tailored executive education programs for HKCIB (Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers) – 2007 to 2009
Courses & Seminars:“Debt financing in Asian markets” fall 2008; Euromoney: “Raising Debt in Asia’s Financial Markets” spring 2008; Central Learning: “Essentials of Loan Syndication and Asset Sales” August 2006 LexOmnibus: “Essentials of Loan Syndication” 2009 – ongoing MindTheme (now Lexis-Nexis): “Introduction to Financial Markets” for Morgan Stanley (2005/2006); “What are Investment Banking and Investment Management” for Thomson Financial (2004); “A day in the life of a corporate finance professional” for Thomson Financial (2004)
Public Speaker & Moderator:
- At industry conferences including APLMA, ASIFMA, Asia Risk, Asian Investor, Association of Corporate Treasures, the Economists, Finance Asia, PEI. (2004 – ongoing)
Industry Experience
Ms. Veronique Lafon-Vinais is a seasoned market professional with over 20 years of banking and capital markets experience. She has worked in all the major financial markets: European markets (Paris, London, Madrid), North America (Chicago) and Asia (Hong Kong). She has extensive experience in all the major debt markets including loan syndications and assets sales (par and distressed debt), money markets, debt capital markets (including derivatives structured products distribution) and structured, trade and project finance. A seasoned loans and syndications specialist, Veronique developed the secondary market for loans at First Chicago in London and was involved in the development of the EMTN market at its inception. She arranged and syndicated plain vanilla and structured transactions in Europe, the US and Asia for sovereign, public and corporate entities including the Kingdom of Spain, Republic of Ireland, ICO, ARCO Chemicals, Sinopec, COSCO, Cathay Pacific, FECSA, Endesa, Motorola and numerous financial institutions.Veronique joined Credit Agricole in Paris in 1980 after graduating from HEC; she moved to First Chicago in London in 1984 then to Chicago in 1990; in 1991 Veronique joined Union Investissements in Paris to work on various M&A and corporate finance advisory projects. Veronique moved to Hong Kong in 1994 as Managing Director, Financial Markets, Asia Pacific for First Chicago. She joined Standard Chartered Bank plc as Head of Treasury Origination in 2000 and retired from banking in 2001.