3rd Annual Value Investing Challenge 2019
05 Dec 2019

3rd Annual Value Investing Challenge 2019

The Annual Value Investing Challenge aims to promote value investing and encourages students to perform fundamental, bottom-up stock research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Contestants will value a publicly listed stock, write a research report and present the research.

The 3rd Annual Value Investing Challenge 2019 has concluded on Dec 5, 2019, and we would like to thank you all for participating in this competition. A total of 37 teams submitted their reports and 6 teams were selected to proceed to the final round.

The winning teams are listed below:

Champion (Research company: Tsingtao Brewery)

  1. Ryan LAM (QFIN & COSC, Year 2)
  2. Nathan TSANG (QFIN, Year 2)
  3. Angie ZHOU  (QFIN, Year 2)

Second Prize (Research company: Li Ning)

  1. Rosella ZHU (QFIN, Year 3)
  2. Eunice LIU (QFIN, Year 3)
  3. Sherry ZHAO (QFIN, Year 3)

Third Prize (Research company: NagaCorp)

  1. Gavin TSANG (QFIN, Year 2)
  2. Frida XIAO (QFIN, Year 2)
  3. Dylan QIN (QFIN, Year 2)


Research Company: PingAn

  1. Ciaran SO (QFIN & COSC, Year 3)
  2. John TRAN (ECOF, Year 3)
  3. Gary LIU (ECOF, Year 3)

Research Company: China Pacific Insurance

  1. Jonathan FUNG (QFIN, Year 1)
  2. Jack SO (QFIN, Year 1)
  3. Sophie LAU (QFIN, Year 1)

Research Company: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company

  1. Curtis LAM (ECOF, Year 2)
  2. Jason NG (QFIN, Year 2)
  3. Helen CHAN (ECOF, Year 2)

Congratulations to the winners, finalists and all the participants! Students gained valuable practical value investing experience to complement their studies in finance.

We would like to give special thanks to Chartwell Capital, especially to Mr. William TSANG, Head of Research and Portfolio Manager of Chartwell, who worked tirelessly to ensure the success of this competition. We also like to express our gratitude to Prof. Lynn PI and Prof. Ekkachai SANYASIRI, for providing support throughout the competition.

Thanks again for participating and wishing students every success in their future studies/careers!
